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“Based entirely on the layout of the engines, I can say almost certainly that we are going to find the power core in this area. We should be able to locate it more precisely when we are within teleported range.”

“I definitely agree, Sergeant. We do not want to go toe to toe with this gunship. I expect you and your scouts will know how you will play into this.” Kairo quickly responded.

“Astropath, please begin your meditation and prepare for a warp jump. Get us as close as you can without rubbing paint with them.
"I will coordinate with Brother Innocent and select the battle rituals," Kairo finished.

“Our Chaplain is to lead us?” asked the ranking scout. There was any number of reasons that would make the scout question that type of decision, ranging from a chaplain’s intimidating presence to his reckless fanaticism, a symptom of Emperor-Worship that, in a way was admirable, but also not befitting a marine, was politely not-so-pragmatic, and ultimately dangerous to those he led.